Javeršek Homestead

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Javerškova domačija
Podsreda 45, SI-3257 Podsreda
Phone386 (0) 3 800 71 00

Located within Kozjansko Park, some 3 kilometres from Podsreda the birthplace of Tito's mother Marija Broz, born Javeršek, is a well-preserved peasant house, locals call it "Pri Lapu". It is situated on a lonesome place and parts of a museum homestead are hiša ("a living room"), kamra ("a bedroom") and črna kuhinja ("an open fireplace kitchen"). That is where Josip Broz Tito the former president of Yugoslavia, spent some time of his childhood. The homestead revealing not only authentic furniture, but also the level of material culture of the period. The spatial arrangement of the rooms indicates a typical peasant home on Slovene farms of the 19th century. The museum part of the homestead was arranged in 1979. The farm is still run by the Javeršek family.

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Javerškova domačija +
Javerškova domačija +
SI-3257 Podsreda +
Podsreda 45 +
Located within Kozjansko Park, some 3 kilometres from Podsreda the birthplace of Tito's mother Marija Broz, born Javeršek, is a well-preserved peasant house, locals call it "Pri Lapu". +
Located within Kozjansko Park, some 3 kilometres from Podsreda the birthplace of Tito's mother Marija Broz, born Javeršek, is a well-preserved peasant house, locals call it "Pri Lapu". +
+386 / 3 800 71 00 +
Podsreda +
SI-3257 +
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